Cochrane Cup Points 

How this works?

Cochrane Cup points are based on NET finish only. From 1st through 10th place there are a total of 660 points available for each tournament, no more, no less.

If there is a tie for example... 1st Low Net...both parties receive the same amount of points, but their share of points is as follows:

1st place points (150) , plus 2nd place points (125) = 275 divided by 2, equals 137.5 points each.

The Payouts however, are based on the Card-off which is the NCGA Standard and is built into Bluegolf.

Whoever shows at the top of the Bluegolf Standings, is actually the Money winner, but does not get any more points than the other person that shot the same Net Score.

Same goes for like, 3 players that may have shot the same Net Score placing them in a tie for 3rd Low Net:

So they would take 3rd (100 pts) + 4th (75 pts) + 5th (60 pts) which = 235 points total, divided by 3, which = 78.3 points each.

Therefore, next Net finisher, should be 6th place...etc etc.

Sometimes you are awarding 5 or 6 players points for finishing in a tie for 10th...that means you divide the allotted 10 points between all those players.

Cochrane Points